- 100 % FUNGAL FIBERS - 

Trametes gibbosa, Fomitopsis pinicola, Ganoderma lucidum, Pleurotus ostreatus

Odorant as a forest 
Tactile as a skin 
Resonant as clay
at once
resistant & fragile

Trametes gibbosa -  picked up by the Coli river in Dordogne, France

Types of skeletal hyphae and sclerids.  Del. R. Gilbertson

Hyphae are the constituent elements of filamentous and mushroom-forming fungi. Their ramification constitutes mycelia, the vegetative part of most Agaricomycetes. The initial hyphae, called generative hyphae, emerge from germinating spores produced by sporocarps (mushrooms) and are present in all filamentous Agaricomycetes fungi. 
As the name suggests, these generative hyphae can generate other types of hyphae, depending on the fungi: skeletal or ligative (binding) hyphae. The combination of these different hyphal types can create many unique properties and structures, which then become caracteristics of fungal-based materials like Poly Pore Paper.

Monomitic (A), dimitic (B-C), or trimitic (D) hyphal systems

and their respective mechanical properties (Naleway, 2022)

Chitin is the structural component or chemical blueprint of the fungal cell wall. It also constitutes the exoskeleton of arthropods (i.e., insects, cephalopods and shellfish), becomes solid when associated with CaCOand is estimated to be the second most abundant polymer on Earth after cellulose.

Pycnoporus cinnabarius x10

from Latin porus
from Greek πόρος, passage 
compare περάω, penetrate
compare Sanscrit. par, going beyond
With their enzymatic arsenal, wood-rot fungi excels in degrading lignocellulosic biomass. Fungi-cultivation on by-products or so-called "wastesof human activities can replace their thermal combustion and burial, major pollutions of air and soil quality, by cascading value-chains of fungal materials. Interleaving fungi-cultures in between existing economies holds the potential for their circular transformation.
Case-exemple: MYCOCYCLE
How does this paper degrades in diverse soils and waters ? Up to what extend is the fiber recyclable ?
Laser-cut at YesWeFab on

Trametes versicolor growing under the Pichou Bridge

Montignac-Lascaux | Dordogne


Printed on Trametes versicolor

Polypore refers to the morphology of the mushroom, literally meaning "multiple pores". ​​​​​​​
Main visible characters (left): applied on the substrate or often forming a perpendicular console (sometimes also with a stipe-holding cap) ; tubular fertile surface, opening by pores inclined downward ; leathery or ligneous consistency . 
The estimated ~500 species belong to diverse evolutive ligneages. In systematics, they are ranked in different orders (right): Polyporales, Thelephorales, Ganodermatales, Hymenochaetales, etc. , which accounts for a viable fungal structure that is mechanically and physically fit to various environments. 

Determination key for perennial polypores. Perennial means that each year (or exceptionnaly two times a year) a round of "pores" adds up to those already grown. Click here for source. 

« Les outils manuels peuvent être fascinants. Un bon outil qui a été bien utilisé possède une qualité mystérieuse et presque rassurante (...) Les formes de papetiers m'attirent dans ce sens et c'est sans doute pour cela que j'en fait. Faire des outils est pour moi une forme humble de sculpture sociale. Les outils ont aussi une vie indépendante. » 
MOORE (Timothy) « A Western mold making », Handpapermaking, été 1987, pages 20 à 25 

« Le filigrane garde discrètement en mémoire, le talent modeste du maître ou des ouvriers qui ont créé cet espace fragile et léger et qui pourtant a resisté à tout et porté jusqu'à nous les mots d'un monde disparu »
CARRIER (Maria), NIDOS (Denis), Le coeur et l'ouvrage – artisans immortels, La Lauze éditions, 2001
Paper mould and mouldmaker, LOEBER (E.G.), Amsterdam, The Paper Publications Society/Labarre Foundation, 1983
European Hand Papermaking: Traditions, Tools, and Techniques, BARRETT T., MOORE T., 2018, Legacy Press, 2018.
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